Monday, November 15, 2010

Tweet, Tweet

The following articles came from my Twitter feed, and are posted in no particular order.

    • “That's a fabulous learning experience by any estimation, but the HASTAC way is to not just create new technologies but to think critically about those technologies, what they mean, how they apply to society or to individual rights and aspirations.   It is also important to transform creating and critiquing into pedagogical practice” (Davidson).
    • Just a quick reminder that the (technological) world apparently revolves around the United States, as illustrated by Australian and New Zealanders’ frustration over time lags for e-books.
    • I might have had to wipe the drool from my keyboard after reading through the panel descriptions.  And in the words of Liz Lemon, “I want to go to there.”

The following articles came from friends, Facebook, and my own web browsing.  These too are posted in no particular order.

    • To quote Battlestart Galactica, “All this has happened before, and it will happen again.”  That quote was running through my head as I read this article, which provoked a riot of emotions and to be honest, made me queasy.  The attitude of the fathers (and husbands) in this article immediately made me think of Cotton Mather, feme coverture, and the idealized motherhood of the republican mother from post-Revolutionary America.  This is not good, not good at all.    


  1. The fact that you quoted Liz Lemon on your blog makes you my hero, Jay Jay! Also, I enjoy your blog; you really keep up with it and you use a nice style of writing (not too formal but not too informal--I guess I would label it personable). I definitely look forward to reading your posts.

  2. Thanks Lindsay! I might or might not have a post in the works dedicated to my hero, Liz Lemon. :)

    Also, I have found that writing for this blog has improved my writing skills. Bonus: the demand of the blog (aka daily writing) has dulled the edge of my fear of "academic" writing. It's a win-win situation.
