Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ya-Ya Sisterhood

I voted today.  Not because I’m a woman.  Not because my feminist sisters of the past fought for the Nineteenth Amendment.  I voted because it’s my civic duty.

And while I will forever be grateful for those women (and men) who demanded equality for the right to vote, I think the emotional blackmail and guilt-tripping about “women have to vote or they’re a traitor to their sisters-in-arms” needs to stop.  Nothing angers me more than someone telling me I have to do something, or not do something, because of my gender.  

Instead, tell me I should vote because it’s my civic and patriotic duty.  Remind me that when I vote, I am participating in the checks and balances placed in the system by our founding fathers (who were often advised by their wives, sisters and daughters – Abigail Adams ring any bells for you?).  If I don’t vote, you should tell me, I am not exercising my constitutional rights.  Don’t vote and give up your voice, you should chide me.  Voting is empowering, you should advise me, no matter your gender, sexuality, ethnicity, age, or race.

I think you get the point.  

And in case you think I’m being ungrateful to the sacrifices made by women who fought for my voting right, I’m not.  I cried while watching Iron Jawed Angels (HBO), especially during the force-feeding scene.  But I think that even these women would agree – stop holding gender hostage when it comes to the right to vote.

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